The Cuban cinema is nowadays a portion of the cinematographic panorama rather forgotten by the majority of the public. It does not generate blockbusters or films of great world-wide fame but even so certain works deserve to be watched. Today we bring you a compilation of some of the best films produced or co-produced on the island in order to understand and enjoy Cuban culture during your villa rental in Cuba.
Fiction films, melodramas, documentaries and short films of different themes and styles have characterized Cuban cinema over time. Many films of different styles have been produced by ICAIC (Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry), which is the national cinematographic authority; Cuban films main producer, documentaries and animated films in the country; and it maintains film festivals or the national and international promotion and distribution of Cuban movies too.
Below you can find a set of cuban movies that we have chosen for you during your stay in a villa in Cuba:
This film narrates the relationship and deterioration of the relationship between a mother (pragmatic physics teacher) and her adolescent daughter during Special Period, which is the name that receives the economic crisis in Cuba. Here we can spotlight the opposite personalities of the characters, which shunts in a psychological trip, where the mother enters in a psychological crisis due to the attitude of her daughter.
Fresa y Chocolate
In this movie we find David, a young communist militant with conservative ideas who studies Social Sciences in Havana University and Diego, an artist, religious and homosexual who lives obsessed about the universal culture and the unknown history of his homeland. Both them will find a gap to express their feelings from their individuality and existence.
Memorias del Subdesarrollo
The protagonist, Sergio, who is from petit-bourgeois, decides to remain in the country when his family go away to USA. This personal history would have been inconsequential if it had not occurred in the days of The Revolution, when all contradictions came to light.
It is considered by world critics as one of the ten most important films in the history of Ibero-American cinema, as well as one of the ten anthology films of the Third World cinema. It is composed in three periods:
First period is based on the Cuban Independence War, when Lucía is an aristocrat that participates actively in the fight against the Spanish Imperium. The second period is based on Gerardo Machado’s government, when she is a medium-class single mother and fights stealthily against political repression. And the last period is based on Cuban Revolution, when Lucía is a peasant who fights against old prejudices about machismo applied by her husband, Tomás.
We hope that this post has been helpful for you and you can enjoy some of these movies during your villa rental in Cuba through one of the properties of LujoCuba.