General Use Conditions

Dream Sun Travel S.L. (THE OWNER) with address for notifications in Avenida Balboa, Calle 50, Torre Global Bank, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá with RUC 52745928-9-057 makes available on its website certain content information on their activities. These general conditions rule the sole use of the OWNER website by USERS accessing the site. These general conditions are shown to USERS on the website in each and every one of the pages to be read, printed, filed and accepted via Internet and be fully informed.

Access to the website of THE OWNER implies unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of use which the USER states to fully understand. The USER undertakes not to use the website and the services offered therein for activities contrary to the law and to respect at all times these general conditions activities.


1.1.- The use of the OWNER website, does not carry mandatory registration of users. The conditions of access and use of this website are strictly governed by the law and the principle of good faith by committing the user to make good use of the web. Are forbidden all acts that violate the law, rights or interests of others: the right to privacy, data protection, intellectual property etc.
THE OWNER expressly prohibits the following:

1.1.1.- Perform actions that might produce on the website through the same by any means any damage to THE OWNER or third parties systems.

1.1.2.- Perform without proper authorization any advertising or commercial information directly or covertly, sending mass mailings (“spaming”) or sending large messages to block network servers (“mail bombing”).

1.2.- THE OWNER may interrupt at any time the access to his site if he detects a purpose contrary to law, good faith or these general conditions- see fifth clause.


Contents included on this website have been developed and included by:

2.1.- THE OWNER using internal and external sources so that THE OWNER is exclusively responsible for the content developed internally.

2.2.- USERS, through collaborations or voluntary introduction of content, both graphic and written, directly or indirectly through links, being exclusively responsible for them and being THE OWNER expressly exempt from any liability. THE USER that enters any content on THE OWNER website shows the absolute legality and authorship of them and expressly assumes any liability that may arise from these contents. THE USER is also responsible for the opinions made in chat and forums he/she made available on the website. THE OWNER shall not be liable in any case for the opinions expressed in the aforementioned forums and may remove or restrict access to USERS who violate current legislation and to inform Courts the facts constituents of some kind of illicit criminal or civil.

2.3.- THE OWNER reserves the right to modify at any time the contents available on its website. THE OWNER does not guarantee or take responsibility for the proper functioning of links to third party websites listed in
In addition, through the website of the OWNER are made available to the user free and paid services offered by third parties and governed by the specific conditions of each of them. THE OWNER does not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy or timeliness of the content and services offered by third parties and is expressly exempt from any liability for damages that may result from the lack of accuracy of contents and services.


3.1.- THE OWNER shall not be responsible for:

3.1.1.- Failures and incidents that may occur in communications, defaced or incomplete transmissions so that the operability of the website services is not guaranteed.

3.1.2.- Production of any damage that USERS or third parties may cause on the website.

3.1.3.- The reliability and truthfulness of the information entered by third parties on the website, either directly or through links. Also, Carlos Christian Palacios Folgado will cooperate and notify the competent authority about these circumstances at the time that he has actual knowledge that the damage constitutes any kind of illegal activity.

3.2.- THE OWNER reserves the right to suspend access without notice at their discretion and permanent or temporary to ensure the effective responsibility for any damage that may occur. Also, THE OWNER will cooperate and notify the competent authority in these circumstances at the time that he has actual knowledge that the damage constitutes any kind of illegal activity.

The website of THE OWNER – own content, programming and website design is fully protected by copyright, expressly prohibiting any reproduction, communication, distribution and processing of those elements protected unless express consent of THE OWNER. Both graphic and written materials submitted by users through the means put at their disposal on the website are owned by the USER who, with its sending, claims legitimate authorship and transfers the rights of reproduction and distribution to THE OWNER.


These general conditions are governed by Panamanian law. Courts of Panama City are competent to resolve any controversy or dispute arising out of these general conditions, explicitly renouncing the USER to any other jurisdiction that may correspond.


If any provision of this document is declared invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force, taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these conditions. THE OWNER may not exercise any of the rights and powers conferred on this document which does not imply any waiver of them, unless THE OWNER expressly recognizes it.