
Visit Trinidad and immerse yourself in Cuba's history in a city declared a UNESCO World Heritage site

Trinidad Cuba : 500 years of flavor

Blending of cuisines, blending of races, blending of cultures, a rich broth of civilization bubbling in the Caribbean kitchen. Trinidad in Cuba, a World Heritage Site, not only possesses one of the best-preserved historical complexes in the country, but also has an intangible heritage of incalculable wealth.

trinidad cubaWalking through its winding streets, paved with whitewashed limestone stones of rough carving from the early 19th century, is like entering a world where popular imagination overflows what is possible and impossible. Many testimonies confirm the amazement of visitors at so many details that coexist in a unique epochal harmony, becoming even more delirious when, on any corner, an itinerant vendor appears chanting an improvised street cry that invites you to taste a rich hot bread, panetelas dripping with syrup and covered with curly meringues, or the sensual tropical fruits with sweet and juicy pulp.

Resulting from a very old culinary and commercial tradition, the street cry provokes all our senses. Since the first lights of dawn, the Trinidadian baker begins to wake up the neighborhood with his insistent call to taste the sacred food.

Food, an inseparable element of human development, has been adapted over time to the socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of each nation. Trinidad in Cuba, an important reservoir of stories, legends, and traditions, preserves, in the collective memory of its people, a wide repertoire of cooking recipes, the offspring of the complex cultural fabric formed throughout its 500 years of existence.

Exploring Trinidad

Trinidad in Cuba is a town currently experiencing its second economic boom in history. The first occurred in the first half of the 19th century when it was one of the most prosperous sugar-producing centers in the country. The second is due to the increasing influx of tourists who come to see the relevant architectural testimonies built or consolidated in the city and the Valley of the Sugar Mills during that time of splendor which, by chance of history and unlike the rest of the Cuban populations, was frozen in time. The singularity of this city derives precisely from the preservation of its monuments, its urban spaces, and its cobbled streets. This allows the visitor to feel that they are entering the past, without ruptures with the present, represented by the presence of its inhabitants. That has a unique charm.

The city of Trinidad in Cuba is located in a privileged site chosen in ancient times by the pre-Hispanic population. To the north, it is surrounded by the Guamuhaya mountain range, named by the natives of the territory; to the south, the waters of the Caribbean Sea; to the east, the valley of San Luis or the Sugar Mills Valley; to the west, the rivers that flow from the mountain range to the sea. In the mountains, you can enjoy the facilities of the Topes de Collantes tourist complex, which provides a formidable encounter with nature. In the Sugar Mills Valley, the industrial and architectural testimonies of 19th-century sugar development are preserved, among which examples as relevant as the Manaca Iznaga Sugar Mill tower and the remains of the San Isidro de los Destiladeros mill stand out. On the riverside, you can delve into the forest until you reach the Javira waterfall, accompanied by the singing of birds, and towards the sea, you will find wonderful seabeds, natural pools in its reefs, and beautiful beaches, where magnificent hotels and a marina are located for the enjoyment of nautical activities.

It is easy to understand the interest that a place that offers everything has generated: a historic center of high heritage values, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988, and the attractions of an exceptional natural environment of mountains, rivers, beaches, and mountains. Ceramics, linens, textiles, plastic arts, and music are other of the many attractions of a unique and authentic city, whose inhabitants welcome you with the proverbial kindness and courtesy of times past.

Historic Center of Trinidad


It is made up of 48.5 hectares, with 93 blocks and 1224 buildings, and is precisely the urban area registered and declared a National Monument in 1978 and a World Heritage Site in 1988; it represents 16% of the city’s area, which appears delimited by the streets, to the north, Santa Ana which extends to Amargura until the Plaza de los Tres Cruces; to the west by the alley of Torneros to Encarnación Street, taking to San José, to continue south by Nueva Street to join Boca Street, then taking Jesús María and continuing east to San Procopio, joining Santa Ana again.


The opulent architecture of Trinidad in Cuba was forged with the existence of different elements, including European marbles and furniture, wrought iron, carpentry, bronzes, ivories, mosaics, stained glass, lattices, among others. But not everything was luxury in that old architecture; next to the palace, houses with walls of clay and guano and tile roofs were built, the abode of the majority of the inhabitants.

The urban ensemble of Trinidad is distinguished by one-story houses, representative of the anonymous and popular architectural typologies; the recurrence in the use of Hispanic construction elements: rubble walls, wooden roofs, “Spanish-style” tile roofs, and salt plasters, which give the city a strong expressive unity, a marked sense of time and place.


Guateque, fiesta, romería, and parranda… there are multiple ways to call by name a country festival; a mixture of joy and ritual, unmatched symbols of the Creole character, “Mass in Scene” of the Cuban peasant, the flavor of the countryside like ripe fruit, the sweetness of sugarcane, and the aroma of tobacco and coffee.

With the purpose of continuing the promotion, rescue, conservation, and development of the most genuine and best of our countryside dances and music and achieving, from an artistic point of view, a show that combines the authentic, the sound, the virtuosity of music, and the peasant dances, two groups of talented young people with artistic concerns and a significant trajectory come together: the sextet “Nueva Imagen” and the dance group “Guaurabo.”

The unmistakable hallmark of the product will be visible to the customer during the “asado de puerco en púa” located on the right side of the restaurant and from where the reception to customers who visit us for lunch or dinner will be made accompanied by the delicious cocktail “Guajirito Soy,” emblem of the Villa de Recreo Horizontes Ma Dolores. The subsequent tasting of the Creole food composed of bread and butter, vegetable salad, congri rice, tachinos, Creole dessert, and Cuban coffee that will accompany the aforementioned pork roasted on the spit with Creole mojo.


trinidad cuba 1Plaza Santana

In the small park called Armenteros, located in the square in front of the former Royal Jail of Trinidad in Cuba – now a service complex – and the Church of Santa Ana, located between the old streets of Santo Domingo, San Procopio, and Santa Ana, there is a small park named after Isidoro de Armenteros who, along with Rafael Arcis and Fernando Hernández Echerri, were executed on August 18, 1851 for defending their country’s independence from Spanish colonialism.

Playa Mayor

It is the oldest square in Trinidad, Cuba; the church was erected in front of it. Located in the upper part of the city center, surrounded by majestic palaces, formerly illuminated with olive oil lamps. It had several names: Plaza Mayor, Plaza de Fernando VII, Plaza de la Constitución, and in the years 1856-57 Plaza Serrano and Plaza Martí. Several constructions of great architectural value are located around it, each with a valuable story to tell.

Plazuela del Jigüe

According to oral legend, the founding mass of the city was held in the shade of a tree in the place now known as Plazuela del Jigüe in 1514. It is in this space where the house on the corner with a front porch and facade that houses the El Jigüe Restaurant stands out.

Plazuela de las Tres Cruces

In this square, on Calle de la Amargura, three large wooden crosses are located, marking the site of the Calvary, created by the locals to commemorate the activities of Holy Week or Semana Mayor and where believers come in procession. At present, the 14 large wooden crosses embedded in the exterior walls of the houses that mark the processions’ route to Calvary are preserved.

Plaza Carrillo

Original park located in front of the Church of San Francisco de Paula. It was named Plaza de Carrillo in 1840, in honor of Brigadier Don Pedro Carrillo de Albornoz, who is credited with several public works, such as paving numerous streets. Later it was called Plaza de Recreo and then Plaza de Céspedes. Its distinctive symbol is a huge dome or pergola built of iron pieces, covered by a vine that natural phenomena have knocked down, being put back in place thanks to the effort and love that the residents of Trinidad have for it. The Gran Hotel Iberostar Trinidad in Cuba is located on one of its fronts.


Ermita de Nuestra Señora Candelaria

Known as the hermitage of La Popa, it is one of the oldest buildings in the city. It consists of a single nave that includes a high choir at the entrance and a rectangular presbytery at the head. Its roof is a par and ridge truss with paired and very simple braces.

San Francisco de Asis

It is the most important from an architectural point of view. It was bequeathed to the Franciscan fathers in 1730, and around 1813 they built a new church and convent: the church remained open for worship, and two historic bells were placed in the tower. The robust baroque tower of the church stands in the city’s historic center as an attractive watchtower from which a beautiful panorama of the city can be admired. Today, the National Museum of the Struggle Against Bandits is located there.

bodeguita del medio trinidadErmita de Santa Ana

Originally a thatched chapel, it was rebuilt with tiles and masonry in 1719, and later conceived as a church with three naves, although the entire building was never completed.

San Francisco de Paula

With a solid structure, thick walls, and a tower that rises in complex symmetry over the main entrance, this church was built during the first decade of the 19th century. In 1830 it was declared an auxiliary church of the Holy Trinity in Cuba, a function it still maintains today.

Holy Trinity

With a neoclassical interior, it has the particular interest of exhibiting an image of the Christ of the True Cross on its minor altar. The main altar is carved in light wood in a neo-Gothic style. At the back, like an open fan, a painting by Antonio Herr can be seen.

Historical Houses

Casa de los Machados (Casa de la Trova)

The house currently holds pieces of high heritage value for ornamental purposes, as well as a valuable collection of national and local discography, available for anyone who wishes to view or purchase them. It’s worth mentioning the album “Casa de la Trova. Trinidad en Cuba,” produced in 1998 by the EGREM record label, which is the only musical production made by the house since its foundation. Since Casa de la Trova opened its doors to the public in 1974, there have been many daily activities hosted in this beautiful place, with the sweet purpose of promoting and disseminating this musical genre that is also part of the tradition and identity of the city of Trinidad. As for the troubadours who perform there regularly, we can mention figures such as Félix Cintra and Isabel Bécquer. They also have a regular space for musicians of the stature of Alberto José Zerquera, Clave Cubana, Dúo Cofradía, and Cuarteto Siglo Cubano.

Palacio Cantero

It is a 19th-century house representing the colonial architecture of Trinidad. On each side of the living room and the sitting room, there are rooms. Attached to the right of this structure is a hall that leads to the gallery and communicates directly through doors with the corresponding rooms in the first and second bays. In this house, we find a beautiful central courtyard fully developed, spacious and sunny, with porticos on all four sides, guarded by Renaissance-style galleries and converted into a garden. The first bay contains the living room and bedrooms covered with rectangular four-sided frameworks, and the second bay contains the sitting room that functions as an extension of the living room and bedrooms. At the back, there is a nave divided into two rooms. The kitchen is distinguished by its large hood over the stove. The palace has a majestic lookout tower that enhances the beauty of the building, from which one can contemplate the sea and the beauties of a city frozen in time.

playa ancon trinidadToday at the Municipal History Museum, we can find the baptismal font from the Church of San Francisco, which possibly belongs to the original Parish; the flag of Trinidad in Cuba from 1848, one of the precursors of the national flag; the birdcage given by the scholar Juan Gunlach to Moserrate de Lara; the Louis XVI-style desk that probably belonged to Justo German Cantero, among other valuable pieces.

One of its numerous rooms refers to the entry of enslaved Africans (1789) on slave ships from Africa (mainly Congo and Nigeria). A slave yoke used for punishment can be seen. Mention is made of the 56 sugar mills in the region, showing fragments of a cane lifter from the time, a bell, and an iron kettle used to prepare molasses.

Palacio del Conde Brunet

Today, it is the Romantic Museum. It shows, through its rooms, the way of life of the high creole society and the European and North American cultural influences.

Taberna La Canchanchara

A living example of one of the oldest colonial houses in Trinidad, with precious wooden roofs and a corridor-shaped hallway to relieve the hot summer afternoons. Nowadays, it has been transformed into a famous tavern for being one of the best places to taste the cocktail known as La Canchanchara, which was used by the Mambises as a medicinal drink because of its ingredients: honey, lemon, and rum.

Jewels of Trinidadian Handicrafts

Manual and artistic skill is part of the Trinidadian identity, which is transmitted from generation to generation, from family to family. Crafts in Trinidad in Cuba have origins as ancient as the founding of the Villa. Related to identity and heritage, this craft was initially cultivated as entertainment among the housewives of families with greater economic development.

Work with yarey (a type of palm) has great development in the area. Trinidad in Cuba sets the standards and distinguishes itself as a unique school in this form of handicraft, in which Rafael Zerquera, also known as “Tiembla Tierra,” excelled, followed by Pedro Pablo Hurtado Varona, who, like his predecessor, received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Wood carving, inlay, and marquetry, and even furniture making are also present, although to a lesser extent.

trinidad en cuba 1Pottery and Ceramics

These are particularly characteristic of the region, with the Santander family standing out for their creative rattles, plates, vases, and a wide range of red clay pieces that are now exported around the world.


This is a tradition inherited from Spain, practiced by women in the family setting, not so much to alleviate boredom but rather to meet urgent domestic needs. At the time, garments for domestic servants and clothing were not readily available from the Peninsula. The lacework of Trinidad has distinctive characteristics that are part of the city’s traditional popular culture and form part of its intangible heritage. These items are found in various galleries and craft markets in the city, where different types of lacework, mesh, and tatting are offered by local artisans.

Fiber Weaving

Aboriginal ceramic pieces bear imprints of fiber weaving created by our early inhabitants, attesting to their antiquity and technique. Baskets, hats, mats, bags, and many other wonders are crafted by generations of Trinidadians who offer their products in workshops and fairs in the historic center.

CULTURAL TRADITIONS African influence on our culture

The African contribution to Trinidadian culture, accumulated over more than three centuries, is vital in defining local heritage and identity. The definition of what we are today is not only due to the transformations of Indian roots by European colonization but also to African roots that took root in the population from the early years of mestizaje. It was the slaves who formed associations and guilds with Catholic saints, disguising their true origins while maintaining their African roots. Therefore, we have the presence of several guilds since the 19th century located in different areas: 1. “Congos Reales” or San Antonio, of Bantu origin, founded in 1856, being the oldest. 2. Santa Barbara, founded in the 70s of that same century. 3. Yemaya. 4. San Miguel.

The three major African-origin religious beliefs observed in the country have a place in a city developed with the sweat of black slaves: the Rule of Ocha or Santeria, Palo del Monte, and the Abakua Secret Society.

iglesia trinidadCatholic Traditions

  • Saint Helena
  • Saint Blaise
  • Holy Week
  • Saint Lazarus

Popular Traditions

One of the characteristics of the city of Trinidad, which has caught the attention of its visitors since ancient times, is the custom of many residents to keep and proudly exhibit various pet birds, captured in the coastal, flat and mountainous landscapes surrounding the city. The oldest reference we have about this custom comes from the mid-19th century, from the Cuban naturalist Ramón de La Sagra. His testimony leads us to assert that the capture and breeding of pet birds has been practiced in Trinidad for at least a century and a half – perhaps much earlier – and that it was even practiced in the highest social strata.

Among the birds that Trinidadians have always preferred to keep in captivity, either because of their melodious singing or their colorful plumage, are the mockingbird, the Cuban bullfinch [of the pine and the land], the butterfly, the bluebird; but it is the “little black one” that undoubtedly takes the prize in this regard. The capture and breeding of these birds has been one of the favorite pastimes of successive generations of Trinidadians since ancient times, and it is not uncommon to see cages hanging from balconies and fences, on the facades of houses and even in workplaces, from which the powerful song of the “little black one” emerges.

Military Fortifications

It is well known in the colonial history of Spanish America that Spain devoted significant resources to the defense of its colonies in America, especially in those points of economic relevance. Military fortifications were a constant in Cuba, from a constructive and architectural point of view, and were developed to a greater or lesser extent in different places on the island according to their importance and resources.

Fortín de la Vigía

From here, a broad panorama of the Bay of Casilda, a large part of the Valle de los Ingenios, and the different entryways to Trinidad could be seen. It allowed observing everything that happened in the port, whether it was the constant traffic of incoming and outgoing vessels or the threats of attacks by corsairs, pirates or English fleets. On the other hand, the fort was an important witness to all the subsequent economic development that took place in the valley.

trinidad kidsFortín Vizcaya

Also known as Fortín de la Mano del Negro, due to its proximity to the place with the same name, it was built for the defense of Trinidad. When the war of February 24, 1895 broke out, the city needed to be turned into a strong military outpost to protect the economic and political interests that Trinidad represented for the Metropolis, threatened by the warlike activity and the mambisa incendiary torch.

Dragones Barracks

The old “Dragones Barracks” is also known as the Cavalry Barracks. At first, a barracks was built to serve as a storage for the Africans brought from Africa to avoid possible infections they might bring. After a few years, when the slave trade was declared illegal, it was vacated and fell into disuse. Later, the Cavalry Barracks were built on this site to accommodate the King’s Lancers as a reinforcement for the city’s garrison. But it was not until 1919 that this barracks was converted into a railway station, and today, in the midst of Trinidad’s dynamic process, this building is a modern Academy of Fine Arts.

Topes de Coyantes

A place located about 800 meters above sea level, surrounded by abundant nature and pleasant microclimate, 22 kilometers from the city of Trinidad.

Contemporary Art Museum

Located in a chalet, lanterns and stained glass blend into the architecture that now houses an important collection of Cuban contemporary painters from the late 20th century. It has six permanent rooms and a temporary room. The chairs and tables in the room are original to the chalet, as are the biscuit and porcelain decorations that it treasures. Artists of the caliber of Adigio Benítez, Flora Fong, Manuel Mendive, Nelson Domínguez, Mariano Rodríguez, Pedro Pablo Oliva, Rita Longa, and Zaida del Rio, among many others, are on the list of artists whose works are exhibited there.

The Coffee House

Coffee cultivation is one of the most important economic activities in the large Topes de Collantes park. Visitors can learn about coffee production methods and taste different varieties. You will have the opportunity to learn about the history of coffee in the world, in Cuba, and in the Guamuhaya massif. Nearby is the coffee variety garden.

The Sundial

In 1988, a Bulgarian architect arrived there, and the beauty and pleasant microclimate captivated him, so he decided to leave his mark by making a sundial. He chose the central area of the mountain range for the installation, from where it indicates the time. The four entrances to the instrument symbolize the same number of phases of the moon, and between them, there are seven benches that hint at the days of the week.

trinidad singerIn the Topes de Collantes Altiplano, several tourist sites of interest can be distinguished: the Caburni trail, a distinctive symbol of the Guamuhaya massif, with its majestic and spectacular Caburni waterfall; the Vegas Grandes trail, which will take you to its equally impressive waterfall of the same name, surrounded by lush trees and beautiful landscapes. Bordering the banks of a pure and transparent stream is the Batata trail, with its variety of flora and fauna, perfect companions during the journey where you can visit a typical adobe house and its inhabitants, as well as a cave crossed by deep and cool natural pools.

The Guanayara Park, located 15 km from the center of Topes de Collantes, provokes the magic of nature with its Sentinels of the Melodious River trail, which will take you to discover the flora and fauna of the area, as well as the geographic features of the river, with its waterfalls and pools. For the daring, the crossing through the river will make them feel like true champions, as they can take on an unforgettable adventure: moving through the river canyon to the Venado pool, a place that will reward their journey by bathing in its pure waters. At the end of the hike, they will enjoy a tasty lunch at La Casa de La Gallega, on the riverbank, where their Galician-style chicken dish will be the cherry on top of this excursion.

The Codina Park, located 8 km from Topes de Collantes, is considered an ecological and anti-stress refuge. The Encantos de Codina trail will take you to discover its natural values, among which a garden of orchid varieties and one of bamboos stand out. A natural viewpoint, together with a bit of spelunking tourism, makes it a unique trail. The pork cooked on a spit and the inseparable criollo congri make their restaurant another of Codina’s charms.

El Nicho Park is located 30 km from the center of Topes de Collantes and only 2 km from the Hanabanilla reservoir. In its Reino de las Aguas trail, you can enjoy the birth of a river, surrounded by lush trees and with the always pleasant singing of birds, many of them endemic. The river and its steep relief create several cascades that run in a stunning and staggered way.

The Valley of the Sugar Mills

Located southwest of the province of Sancti Spiritus and northeast of the city of Trinidad, it has an area of approximately 276 square kilometers.

Historical attractions of Trinidad in Cuba

Livestock farming gave the valley its first use as early as the 1600s. Tobacco cultivation on the banks of the Agabama and Caracusey rivers made it an area of ​​important exchanges on the island. Around 1650, Spanish immigrants from Jamaica arrived with sugar production technology. The good conditions that existed for its production allowed this industry to soon become the most important in the region, displacing the others to the point of practically nullifying them.

Parallel to the sugar boom, there was an increase in population, mainly of the slave force, which brought about a gradual growth of settlements around the main mills in the region: Guáimaro, Palmarito, Manaca Iznaga, Magua, La Pastora, and others founded or inhabited by free slaves such as San Pedro, Caracusey, and Condado, which over the years became the most important population centers in the valley.

trinidad carArchitectural Attractions


This is a monumental complex consisting of a residential house, a bell tower, a storehouse-blacksmith-kitchen, a slave quarter, and a hospital. The majestic tower stands proud and regal as a symbol of Trinidad’s past, defying strong winds and hurricanes that are known to affect the Caribbean island. The tower bears witness to the region’s history.


This is a remnant of the prosperous period of the Valley of the Sugar Mills, visible in the vats, wheels, and mansions such as the Guáimaro mill. Its Italian frescoes, wide entrance staircase, and semi-circular arches attest to the economic power of this Trinidadian family.

Archaeological Attractions

San Isidro de los Destiladeros

Near the main house, there is a bell tower with three levels, 14 meters high, decorated in the style of 19th-century Trinidadian constructions. This tower represents the beginning and end of each workday and is an important part of the traditional architectural complex of the sugar industry in the Valley of the Sugar Mills, which has been declared a World Heritage Site. The ruins of the old mill walls, which demonstrate the power that was achieved after centuries of agricultural exploitation of the fertile valley and slave labor, can be seen here. The “Jamaican train,” which served to cook the sugar and save fuel and labor for the furnace, is also visible.

Natural Attractions


This ancient house, about 300 years old and located just 16 kilometers from the city of Trinidad, is considered a special place for contemplating the landscape and learning about local culture and archaeology. The house is furnished with saddles, hammocks, and stools, and the friendly local farmers will gladly explain their daily work in harvesting crops, raising livestock, and manually milking the cows using traditional methods. The house is surrounded by fruit trees, wildflowers, and cool pools, making it a perfect place to go horseback riding, swimming in the river, and enjoying a traditional Creole lunch prepared in the converted restaurant kitchen. Fresh juices and fruits are the perfect refreshment after a satisfying horseback ride.

Peninsula of Ancón

Just 15 km from the city, Ancón boasts one of the most beautiful beaches on the island, bathed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea. The sea floor is home to gorgonians, sea fans, black corals, sponges, and small tropical fish. The calm surface of the sea makes it ideal for both single and double diving. The hotels are located right on the beachfront. María Aguilar beach, with its 4 km of sand, offers a beautiful sunset view, and the Costa Sur hotel boasts a lovely natural pool.

trinidad main squareMarina Marlin

Various nautical activities can be enjoyed by sea lovers at Marina Marlin, such as introductory diving, coral reefs, fishing, boat rides, and life on board.

  • Duration: 2-4 hours. Frequency: Daily
  • Marina Marlin Trinidad

You can also visit the islands of Cayo Blanco and Macho Afuera and enjoy these pristine islets, over 1 km long and 200 meters wide. You can practice snorkeling, see the endemic flora and fauna of the area, or simply take a good dip in the delicious waters of the Caribbean Sea.

Excursions in Trinidad Cuba

Special Especial

6-hour tour with a visit to the Manaca-Iznaga estate in the Valley of the Sugar Mills.

  • Pick-up from hotels [air-conditioned vehicle and guide service]
  • Departure to the Mirador del Valle de los Ingenios. Along the way, panoramic view of the port and the fishing village of Casilda.
  • Stop at the Mirador to enjoy beautiful views of the Valley, the Escambray Mountains, and the Caribbean Sea.
  • Panoramic bus ride through the entire area, where you can observe remnants of the old sugar production and some rural towns.
  • Visit to the Manaca-Iznaga estate.
  • Return to the city to visit the Pottery House, where the best of Trinidadian ceramics is displayed.
  • Tour of the main streets of the city, including the Plaza Mayor and the Plaza Real del Jigüe.
  • Entrance to a local museum.
  • Visit to La Canchánchara with a tasting of typical drinks.
  • Lunch at a local restaurant.
  • Free time in the craft market.
  • Return to Trinidad in Cuba.

trinidad adventureSteam Train Ride

Enjoy the ride on this early 20th-century gem and experience the journey of sugarcane to the mill.

  • Pick-up at hotels with transfer to the railway station to board the steam train.
  • Panoramic ride on the steam train through the Valle de los Ingenios, where you can see old sugar mills and some rural villages along the way.
  • Stop in the village of Manaca-Iznaga to visit the Iznaga family hacienda, one of the most important in the 19th-century Trinidad sugarcane aristocracy.
  • Free time.
  • Return to Trinidad in Cuba.

Mountain Adventure

Enjoy a true mountain adventure driven by authentic camouflage trucks to Guanayara Park, where you will walk along trails to its natural waterfall and pool.

  • Round-trip transfer in an all-terrain truck.
  • Eco-guide service.
  • Stop at the natural park center for an explanation of the history and importance of the area.
  • Visit to the Casa del Café, where the process of obtaining coffee is explained.
  • Tour to the Guanayara area, including the enjoyment of various views of the rural landscape.
  • Upon arrival, welcome cocktail.
  • Walk along the Sentinels of the Melodious River trail, where you can appreciate various representative species of endemic flora and fauna.
  • Visit to the El Rocío waterfall, with time for a swim in the El Venado natural pool.
  • Lunch at Casa de la Gallega restaurant with one drink included.
  • Return to Trinidad in Cuba.

Jeep Seafari to El Nicho

Don’t miss the opportunity to visit Cuba’s most impressive waterfall, El Nicho, with easily accessible trails for all ages.

  • Pick-up at hotels in a 4×4 jeep.
  • Transfer to Topes de Collantes with a stop at the Casa del Café for a taste of true mountain coffee.
  • Continue the tour through Charco Azul and other communities in Cumanayagua. Excellent opportunity to appreciate the lush natural beauty of these places.
  • Upon arriving at El Nicho Natural Park, presentation of your eco-guide and start of the walk along the Paso de las Mariposas trail.
  • Time for photos at waterfalls and pools.
  • Time for swimming.
  • Creole lunch with one drink at the park restaurant.
  • Return to Trinidad in Cuba.

trinidad landscapeValle de los Ingenios by bus

  • Hotel pick-up (guide not included)
  • Visit to the Mirador del Valle de los Ingenios to enjoy beautiful views of the valley, the Escambray Mountains, and the Caribbean Sea.
  • Panoramic bus tour through the valley, where you can see old sugar mills and some rural towns.
  • Visit to the Guáimaro estate.
  • Visit to the Manaca-Iznaga estate.
  • Visit to the Guachinango farm (optional horseback ride).
  • Creole lunch at a local restaurant.
  • Free time.
  • Return to Trinidad, Cuba.

El Cubano natural park

  • Hotel pick-up or Cubanacán bureaus (transportation by truck, bilingual specialized guide service).
  • Visit to El Cubano natural park through the banks of the Guaurabo river, enjoying a panoramic view of the Sierra del Escambray.
  • Welcome cocktail upon arrival.
  • Tour of the “In the Footsteps of History” trail to Javirawaterfall, where you can see endemic vegetation and animals.
  • Free time for swimming in the natural pool.
  • Lunch at Los Almendros restaurant.
  • Return to Trinidad, Cuba.

cayo blanco trinidadSeafari to Cayo Blanco

Enjoy a relaxing navigation through the waters of the Caribbean Sea. A great opportunity for snorkeling and sunbathing.

  • Departure from Marina Marlin on the Ancón Peninsula.
  • Boarding and crossing on a catamaran or sailboat towards Cayo Blanco. During the journey, you can observe the bay, the port, and the fishing village of Casilda.
  • Snorkeling in the coral reef near Cayo Blanco (equipment included).
  • – Open bar with national drinks and seafood lunch on the cay.
  • Free time for swimming and enjoying the local fauna (iguanas).
  • Return to the marina in Trinidad, Cuba.

City tour in Trinidad, Cuba

  • Pick-up from hotels (air-conditioned vehicle and guide service).
  • Stop at the viewpoint to enjoy beautiful views of the San Luis Valley, the Escambray mountains, and the Caribbean Sea.
  • Transfer to the modern area of the city with a visit to the Casa del Alfarero, where the best of Trinidad’s ceramics is shown.
  • Transfer to the historic center where a walking tour is conducted through the main streets of the city. You can admire the most important buildings, squares, and plazas of the city, including the Plaza Mayor and the Plaza Real del Jigüe.
  • Entrance to a local museum.
  • Visit to La Canchánchara with a tasting of the typical drink of the city.
  • Free time in the handicraft market.
  • Return to Trinidad, Cuba.