Terms of Sale

What does include the price of accommodations?

In the price of accommodation it is included stay, use of bed linen and towels, cleaning of the housing and supplies used as soap and toilet paper.

What do not includes the price of accommodations? 

The price of accommodation does not include any extras that are hired or optional, such as breakfast, lunch, mini-bar, transportation, laundry, etc.

Check-in and check-out

Check-in and check-out vary depending on each property but usually usually the following:

Check-in: from 3:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
Check-out: from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

In case you wish to change the schedule of check-in and/or check-out, notify in advance and we can meet your needs by applying an additional fee.


For firm reservations, prior payment of at least the first night of the accommodation requested will be essential. On request, you can be issued a payment order for the full amount of the reservation.

Payment is made through by credit card, bank transfer, Paypal or Zelle.

Exceptionally, we can issue a payment order for the customer to pay the deposit with your credit or debit card.

Transfer fees (national or international) will be paid by the customer, so does the expenses incurred when paying by card.

If the customer has paid only the first night as a reserve, the remaining amount will be paid in cash (Euros) upon arrival at the accommodation.

Booking Contract

Once the payment of the first night of the accommodation chosen by the customer is made, LUJOCUBA will send by email a reservation contract which will contain: the customer identification data, the dates of check-in and check-out, the name of rented accommodation and the address, as well as the breakdown of the amount of the first night paid as reservation deposit and the remaining amount payable to the owner.

Cancellation Policy

Once you have paid reservation or total payment and money has been given to the owner (24-48 hours), there is no way to refund it.

These conditions apply even in circumstances beyond the control of the customer or that were beyond its control.

LUJOCUBA reserves the right to change the accommodation in the event that there is a problem that harm the client’s stay by one of similar or better features. Problems such as damage, leaks, works or other force majeure. In this case, if the client does not agree with the change, he/she shall be entitled to refund the payment made at the time of booking.

Number of persons included in the reservation 

The customer has to inform LUJOCUBA the exact number of people staying at the hotel. The use of accommodation for an amount of occupants higher than indicated in the reservation is prohibited. If this assumption is violated, LUJOCUBA is entitled to terminate the reservation contract for not respecting the agreed clauses, without the customer can seek compensation or compensation.

Number of persons per room

Private houses in Cuba generally have the following rules regarding the number of people who can stay in the rooms:

  • When guests are a group of friends who come alone, each of them must stay in one room. The rooms are classified as simple.
  • When guests come with their couples, rooms are classified as double.
  • When it is the case of family, rooms are classified as double. They can stay two people in a room and exceptionally can request an extra bed for a small child if necessary.
  • About cuban companions.

The law in Cuba allows you to overnight and stay in an apartment or in a private home with anyone even a cuban person, as long as that person is identified and adult.

It is not allowed to invite a cuban to any room if you are already registered with someone else. A stay for two adults per room is only allowed.

Liability of behavior

The rented accommodation can only serve as a holiday. Professional activity is prohibited in rented premises.

Guests must conform to the rules of procedure of the building or house, especially about noise, cleanliness, smoking areas, etc.
The accommodation is let to the dates and times fixed in the contract.

Both the contractor and the accompanying, will be responsible for their behavior. It is totally prohibited drug and narcotics in rented accommodation, as well as holding parties with loud music. If guests do not behave correctly LUJOCUBA entitled to ask them to vacate the property without compensation or compensation.

When renting a LUJOCUBA accommodation you accept the General Conditions, so you shall be governed by them.

Data Protection

Protecting your personal data is very important to us. The collection, processing and use of personal information you provide is done in accordance with legal provisions.